Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pray for Solomon

We got a phone call this morning at around 5:45 from my sister, Kristine.  Her son, Solomon had a seizure at midnight and then again in the early morning.  The ambulance couldn't make it down their driveway so they had to drive him up the hill in the van.  He then had another seizure in the ambulance.  He has no feeling in one of his feet so the pediatrician is a bit concerned.  He is lined up to have a CAT scan sometime this morning.  We are praying for :

- wisdom for the doctors
-peace for Sol and the family
-a full recovery 
-that God would be glorified in the situation

Thank you for your prayers.

P.S.  Solomon is the boy in the green shirt in the picture below this post.


1 comment:

shay said...

WE got the message and are praying Heather.
Please keep us updated!