Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our Little Man

On March 5,  we celebrated Malachi's 4th Birthday!  It doesn't seem that long ago that he arrived as a healthy bundle in our arms.  He has grown up so much this past year with learning to ride his two wheeler without training wheels (he may need a refresher course once it stops snowing and it all melts away!), not sleeping with a soother,he dresses himself when he wants to, he loves to read his Bible especially the part when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he is such a kind big brother to Lydia and he loves to help Lowell and I with whatever we are doing, he just started memorizing Psalm 23 and  He even asked Jesus to live in his heart!  We love him so much and know that God has amazing things in store for him.

We had our kind neighbors, the Neufeld's over for ice cream cake and to play with his new Thomas The Tank characters, Bill & Ben and Bolstrode.  Samuel made him a beautiful dagger and he even got his own armour. Gramma and Grampa Harder gave him a cool sleeping bag which he opened before his birthday and slept in it at night time for two weeks on Elyse and Lydia's floor.

We love you Malachi!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


On March 5th Sir  Malachi  had his 5th birthday and on this great day Sir Malachi received his first set of armor. We had the Neufeld's over for  lots of chips, cake and punch. He got Bill and Ben, Bulstorode, a sleeping bag and a sword from Samuel.
Malachi had many accomplishments this year. Most importantly, he asked Jesus to reign in his heart.  He also can just about ride his bike without training wheels, he doesn't need a soother at bedtime anymore (he has a camo watch to prove it), he can dress himself (when he feels like it!) , he can do a flip on the trampoline and he enjoys reading his Bible with Daddy in the mornings.
Samuel appreciates Malachi's desire for justice. (He has very loud lungs!)
Timothy appreciates Malachi's forgiveness.(when Jesse apparently did something to bug him)
Jesse appreciates Malachi's strength in his arms.
Levi, Joel and Elyse like Malachi's funny ways.
Lydia likes Malachi because he is a good big brother and likes to play with her.

(This post was written by Jesse)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Zacharias and McDonalds?

So, what does Zacharias and McDonalds have in common?  According to Elyse, who was narrating a part of the movie, The Nativity, Zacharias "super- sizes" his baby son, John. Wow!