Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our Spring Story Continues...

Lydia's 2nd Birthday happened April 9th.  We had a family birthday this year as Mommy wasn't up to a big party.  Mommy is expecting baby #9 and she was feeling rather tired and nauseous.
Anyways, we had a special time with her and she thoroughly enjoyed all the attention, cards, and prezzies. (Not to mention Cadbury's chocolate eggs - yuck!) She received a special "baby" from the Grandparents which she mothered instantly.  She is such a talker now and loves to dance to worship music and even make up her own songs.  (Out of the mouths of babes He will bring forth praise)  Lydia, may the Holy Spirit continue to increase this gift of worship in you even in your infancy!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here I am!

Wow! It's been a while since I wrote in this last... a lot has happened in our neck of the woods.  Let's see... We celebrated Timothy's 13th Birthday during the May long weekend and what a celebration it was! First, we went to Sunshine to get in some sun on the slopes and then we met Grandma and Grandpa at our favorite place to eat in Canmore (Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company).  On Sunday afternoon we went to the theatre to see the new Narnia movie, Prince Caspian, and headed over to the Wood's place for a barbeque to celebrate Natalie, Katie, and Timothy's birthdays. Monday was a full day with some guys coming over in the evening to bless and honor Timothy as he enters into the "province of men ". It was a privilege to have Uncle Craig, Benjamin and David here from Lethbridge as well as Grampa and Gramma Harder. We love and bless you, Timothy for who you are, what you bring to our family and for what God desires to express through you in these special years.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Season of Birthdays!

On March 28, we celebrated Samuel's 14th Birthday.  I feel like I am getting old.  My parents commented that THEY feel old!  We had another family birthday celebration as we just had Lowell's parents here for Easter as well as celebrating Auntie Olive's 93rd birthday in Airdrie.
Samuel wanted mud pie and burgers.  Dad and the oldest got to watch a war movie Samuel has been asking to watch for some time. We have appreciated watching Samuel grow from a little boy to a lovely, mature young man.  He has been soooo careful lately so as to not be admitted into the emergency room.  For that we are grateful! I have been blessed seeing his faithfulness and tenacity he portrays. Often, I will walk into the living room rubbing the duck butter out of my eyes and there is Samuel, all dressed and reading his Bible and writing down his thoughts.  He has been faithful in his responsibilities and often asks, "okay, what can I do mom". In his training for his triathlon and running race series, he has shown commitment and determination (often dragging his younger brother out with him so he can have a running partner).  He has displayed his creativity in making several swords and daggers for his brothers for birthdays and is designing his own brochure to begin to sell them.  He also has taken the challenge in designing and making a willow chair and bench.  I can't wait to put a lovely flower container on it in the spring. Despite his changing voice (he he) Samuel has recently written and composed a worship song.  It has blessed us to watch him develop this gift of worship.  We love you, Samuel and look forward to all God has for you in the year ahead.  

(something is goofy with the "uploading pictures" so I will post the pictures in the next one)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Our Little Man

On March 5,  we celebrated Malachi's 4th Birthday!  It doesn't seem that long ago that he arrived as a healthy bundle in our arms.  He has grown up so much this past year with learning to ride his two wheeler without training wheels (he may need a refresher course once it stops snowing and it all melts away!), not sleeping with a soother,he dresses himself when he wants to, he loves to read his Bible especially the part when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he is such a kind big brother to Lydia and he loves to help Lowell and I with whatever we are doing, he just started memorizing Psalm 23 and  He even asked Jesus to live in his heart!  We love him so much and know that God has amazing things in store for him.

We had our kind neighbors, the Neufeld's over for ice cream cake and to play with his new Thomas The Tank characters, Bill & Ben and Bolstrode.  Samuel made him a beautiful dagger and he even got his own armour. Gramma and Grampa Harder gave him a cool sleeping bag which he opened before his birthday and slept in it at night time for two weeks on Elyse and Lydia's floor.

We love you Malachi!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


On March 5th Sir  Malachi  had his 5th birthday and on this great day Sir Malachi received his first set of armor. We had the Neufeld's over for  lots of chips, cake and punch. He got Bill and Ben, Bulstorode, a sleeping bag and a sword from Samuel.
Malachi had many accomplishments this year. Most importantly, he asked Jesus to reign in his heart.  He also can just about ride his bike without training wheels, he doesn't need a soother at bedtime anymore (he has a camo watch to prove it), he can dress himself (when he feels like it!) , he can do a flip on the trampoline and he enjoys reading his Bible with Daddy in the mornings.
Samuel appreciates Malachi's desire for justice. (He has very loud lungs!)
Timothy appreciates Malachi's forgiveness.(when Jesse apparently did something to bug him)
Jesse appreciates Malachi's strength in his arms.
Levi, Joel and Elyse like Malachi's funny ways.
Lydia likes Malachi because he is a good big brother and likes to play with her.

(This post was written by Jesse)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Zacharias and McDonalds?

So, what does Zacharias and McDonalds have in common?  According to Elyse, who was narrating a part of the movie, The Nativity, Zacharias "super- sizes" his baby son, John. Wow!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hubby's Away

So Lowell has been away since yesterday and arrives home tomorrow at suppertime.  Yay!  I forgot what it was like when he would travel all the time.  I have been doing a lot of driving this week and not getting a lot accomplished on the home front and I'm exhausted!  I can't imagine if the children were in a lot of outside activities. Samuel and Timothy have still been insulating our friend's basement and are almost done.  They put a full day in today and they feel rather proud of themselves for it (and so am I).

I was just talking to Lowell and he is now coming home at noon!  I think I will let him surprise the children.  Elyse wants to make a big "Welcome Home" poster for him.  We are so pathetic. We miss our daddy/husband even when he goes into town for a few hours.  Usually, Levi has to phone him a couple of times and ask him when he is getting home.  When he does eventually get home some of the children will get into the sprinting position in the entry way and tackle him as soon as he enters the door. 

 I must admit I am not always eagerly rushing to him as soon as he enters the door.  Sometimes, I have been frustrated because the day had not gone according to plan, the children weren't all  that cooperative, something else broke, and I have not been able to go for my walk/run.  My attitude has been "thank goodness your home"and then proceed to "tell on the kids".  Ladies,  how often have we had this attitude?  Our home should be a haven for our families and especially our husbands as they retreat from the pressures and demands of the work world.  We have in our capacity the ability to create a peaceful atmosphere with the resources given to us.  But  it doesn't end there. If the presence of the Holy Spirit is not welcome, it doesn't matter how beautiful and clean your home is.  When He abides with us we can experience His peace which surpasses all understanding.  God promises in His word, "Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusts in Thee." (Is 26:3-4)  Our attitude affects everyone around us.  May we have joyful hearts and countenances!  When we are exhausted may our anthem be "The joy of the Lord is my strength"!  May we have His active living Word in our hearts and minds throughout the day. 

 I'll leave you all with a quote from Nancy Campbell from her book, The Power of Motherhood: "Self pity drains all your energy! The joy of the Lord fills you with strength!" I pray for myself and for you that we would declare Exodus 15:2 "He is my God , and I will prepare Him a habitation".

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm Back

It is 10:16 pm and I just gave in to make a double batch of chocolate chip cookies. (single batches don't go very far around here - come to think of it, double batches don't go very far either...sigh!) I WAS craving something sweet and I know that they make my husband smile but I will make the excuse that Samuel and Timothy needed something nice for their lunch tomorrow.  You see, they are helping a friend finish his basement in order to get it ready to sell.  On Tuesday they learned how to insulate and put up poly.  Mr. Ward had to go back to California where he currently lives so now the boys are to go back this week and finish the job on their own - and a big job it is!  Apart from cursing the itchiness of the insulation, they are enjoying having some "skills practice" in home building.  I guess you could classify that as "Shop Class" or "Industrial Design" and they get to bless someone in the process.  It never ceases to amaze me when God brings opportunities like this for the children.  God asks us to be faithful in training our sons and daughters.  We don't always have the skill set to train them in certain areas but God shores us up in providing the opportunities to learn.  It has been our desire for the boys to acquire the skills so they may be able to maintain and perhaps even build their own home one day. Thank you Lord!  

This evening we all bundled up and went outside with our binoculars and camera to watch the lunar eclipse.  Did you all watch it?  It was pretty spectacular!  We got a few pictures but we haven't downloaded them yet. It was also a fun time chatting or should I say chattering with our neighbors.

Also,  Thank you to everyone who was praying for Solomon.  His spinal tap was clear and he was able to go home on Friday.  It turns out it was a viral thing or something.  We are all glad he is home and the boys were happy to be able to talk to him on the phone.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Solomon Update

I was not able to write yesterday as I had a migraine.  We're all good now!  

Monday afternoon Solomon had a CAT scan because the doctor was concerned about his numb foot.  However, that showed up clear!  Then in the evening he had a spinal tap to check for infection and possible meningitis.  The doctor was pleased that the spinal fluid was clear but they sent the sample to Vancouver to have it assessed.  They should know the results in a day or so.  Sol's foot is getting some feeling back now which is awesome!  He has his own room at the hospital and is feasting on popcicles and is watching hockey. (Cheering on the Flames right, Sol)?!
Things to continue to pray for is that his fever will come down and his cough will subside. (It is giving him a headache.)  Also, pray for Erol who is fighting strep throat, cough and exhaustion.  

Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pray for Solomon

We got a phone call this morning at around 5:45 from my sister, Kristine.  Her son, Solomon had a seizure at midnight and then again in the early morning.  The ambulance couldn't make it down their driveway so they had to drive him up the hill in the van.  He then had another seizure in the ambulance.  He has no feeling in one of his feet so the pediatrician is a bit concerned.  He is lined up to have a CAT scan sometime this morning.  We are praying for :

- wisdom for the doctors
-peace for Sol and the family
-a full recovery 
-that God would be glorified in the situation

Thank you for your prayers.

P.S.  Solomon is the boy in the green shirt in the picture below this post.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

A wonderful holiday

Well, I think I have figured out how to add pictures so here are a few of our recent trip to Vernon and Langley, B.C. For some reason this blog will only let me upload five pictures at a time.  More photos will follow.  Our first stop was to Vernon and we arrived on January 26 late at night.  We stayed with mom and dad Harder and were greeted by a cozy, blazing, warm wood stove.  It is always a treat to stay with them - so many things to do and tell Gramma and Grampa about.  Sometimes they get to hear the children talk one at a time but not usually!  On Sunday we were blessed to be at Vernon Christian Fellowship and connect with dear friends and family.  It was a special treat to hear Pastor Reuben speak from Burundi where my parents are.  They always speak so highly of him and now I can see why. What a tender heart. He oversees the Nyakibega home for widows and orphans from the Gatumba massacre of 2004.   On Monday, we had a combined celebration of Joel and Jesse's birthdays.  Uncle Erol, Auntie Krissy, Anna, Sol and Emily as well as G. & G. Harder were all a part of the festivities. ( As always, we miss G. & G. Bale and Boss David.) Tuesday we were able to connect with Lowell's cousin Melanie, husband John  and their extended brood.  It is always an encouragement to hang out with them all. On Wednesday we headed down to Langley to see our good friends, the Speilmans. Lowell works with Kevin so they even got a bit of work done.  I don't know how with 12 kids running around!  We had a wonderful time of food, fellowship, skiing, beach combing, and movie making (in the style of Bourne Ultimatum!)  We look forward to visiting again in the summer. 
It was good to be back but always wish we could be closer to family.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My First Blog!

After much contemplation and a bit of trepidation, I have finally decided to create a blog.  After all, a lot of my friends are doing it and I have things to say and journal as well.  I am still trying to figure out how to get a picture on my profile.  I already typed for an hour and was set to publish it until while I was figuring out how to publish it, I deleted it all!  I'm sure I will eventually figure it all out.  I will call my faithful friend, Shaylagh who knows a lot in the morning.  
The reason I decided to write a blog was to:

1.  Keep a Book of Remembrance (or blog of remembrance in my case).
2.  Provide a place for my children to journal or tell stories.
3.  Have a place where friends and family can check up on us.

I remember getting a journal from my mom back in October 1998 for my birthday.  In it she wrote these words, "I have an idea, Heather, there are many words stored up within you that will come tumbling out - so here's some paper."  Unfortunately,  I haven't been very faithful in writing consistently.  I have, however, had "bursts" of crazy writing when I could no longer contain my thoughts.  So as I page through the journal my mom gave me I remember the lists I wrote,  things the children said, and stuff I was wrestling through. I see the faithfulness of God in the big things and the little.  

I recently, read a book called The Gift of Family Writing, by Jill Novak.  In it she shows the reader how to "Record Your Life Stories as They Happen, Strengthen Family Relationships, and Preserve a Family Legacy" in your writing.  It has impacted me personally as well as many others.  She gives lots of examples and strategies as well.  A must have for your personal library!

As I mentioned above, one of my desires is to provide a place for my children to write about the goings on in our world.  You will most likely get to know us all a bit more in the process...
I trust you will be blessed.