"What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow."Martin Luther
Friday, August 21, 2009
A worthy quote
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
So Whatever You Do Work At It With All Of Your Heart...
Summer is almost over... well, it actually feels like it hardly started! No floods this year - yeah!
After saying good-bye to my sister and family on Monday, I am beginning to prepare for another year of homeschooling. Keziah is settling into a bit of a routine now that she is 9 months old so I have some time in between naps.
I set up a weekly menu to follow to make life a bit easier and it seems to help. Now that everyone is tired of stir fry every Saturday night I will try to make a 2 week rotation menu.
I organized the storage room AGAIN and it feels good to get some order down there. I organized children's clothes that are not being worn currently into boxes of varying ages -separate boys and girls. (Newborn to 6 mo., 6-9 mo., 9-12 mo., 12-18 mo., 18-24 mo., 3-5 yrs., 6-7 yrs) I also have a shoe container for sizes that don't fit, a snow boot box, mitts/touques/baclavas and winter coats/pants. I could probably use another container for winter gear but I used what I had and it works.
As the older boys have been working hard this summer with our new exterior maintenance company I have had to rely on the younger ones to help out on the home front. Lots of fun! (Not) I realized that I have neglected the younger ones in their "domestic skills training". We have had to have a few attitude adjustments to say the least esp. when they watch their neighbor friends and see that they don't have the responsibilities that a large family has. We have had to especially help Elyse with this. She is beginning to see that "a wise woman builds her house but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands". Yesterday, she made rice crispie squares for her big brothers for a special treat. She said, "Mommy, I'm building my house".
The children are beginning to rise up in their responsibilities and it blesses me. Lowell encouraged the children with this verse this morning on their list of jobs for the day:
"With a good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free."
Ephesians 6:7-8
May we all work as to the Lord with joyful hearts!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Where in the world is Heather Harder?
I can't believe it has been so long since I wrote in this last. Lets see what I've been up to... getting pregnant, another basement flood, running races, renovating our basement again, my parents visiting from Africa, having a baby, Christmas, home schooling, birthdays, fussy baby. Life sure flies by!
Keziah is a delight to us all and we can't wait till she gets over her "fussy" stage. She looks a lot like Lydia did at her age... I wonder if she'll have curly hair too! She was our third baby born at home with midwives and this time my parents were here for the big event! What a ride!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Our Spring Story Continues...
Lydia's 2nd Birthday happened April 9th. We had a family birthday this year as Mommy wasn't up to a big party. Mommy is expecting baby #9 and she was feeling rather tired and nauseous.
Anyways, we had a special time with her and she thoroughly enjoyed all the attention, cards, and prezzies. (Not to mention Cadbury's chocolate eggs - yuck!) She received a special "baby" from the Grandparents which she mothered instantly. She is such a talker now and loves to dance to worship music and even make up her own songs. (Out of the mouths of babes He will bring forth praise) Lydia, may the Holy Spirit continue to increase this gift of worship in you even in your infancy!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Here I am!
Wow! It's been a while since I wrote in this last... a lot has happened in our neck of the woods. Let's see... We celebrated Timothy's 13th Birthday during the May long weekend and what a celebration it was! First, we went to Sunshine to get in some sun on the slopes and then we met Grandma and Grandpa at our favorite place to eat in Canmore (Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company). On Sunday afternoon we went to the theatre to see the new Narnia movie, Prince Caspian, and headed over to the Wood's place for a barbeque to celebrate Natalie, Katie, and Timothy's birthdays. Monday was a full day with some guys coming over in the evening to bless and honor Timothy as he enters into the "province of men ". It was a privilege to have Uncle Craig, Benjamin and David here from Lethbridge as well as Grampa and Gramma Harder. We love and bless you, Timothy for who you are, what you bring to our family and for what God desires to express through you in these special years.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Season of Birthdays!
On March 28, we celebrated Samuel's 14th Birthday. I feel like I am getting old. My parents commented that THEY feel old! We had another family birthday celebration as we just had Lowell's parents here for Easter as well as celebrating Auntie Olive's 93rd birthday in Airdrie.
Samuel wanted mud pie and burgers. Dad and the oldest got to watch a war movie Samuel has been asking to watch for some time. We have appreciated watching Samuel grow from a little boy to a lovely, mature young man. He has been soooo careful lately so as to not be admitted into the emergency room. For that we are grateful! I have been blessed seeing his faithfulness and tenacity he portrays. Often, I will walk into the living room rubbing the duck butter out of my eyes and there is Samuel, all dressed and reading his Bible and writing down his thoughts. He has been faithful in his responsibilities and often asks, "okay, what can I do mom". In his training for his triathlon and running race series, he has shown commitment and determination (often dragging his younger brother out with him so he can have a running partner). He has displayed his creativity in making several swords and daggers for his brothers for birthdays and is designing his own brochure to begin to sell them. He also has taken the challenge in designing and making a willow chair and bench. I can't wait to put a lovely flower container on it in the spring. Despite his changing voice (he he) Samuel has recently written and composed a worship song. It has blessed us to watch him develop this gift of worship. We love you, Samuel and look forward to all God has for you in the year ahead.
(something is goofy with the "uploading pictures" so I will post the pictures in the next one)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Our Little Man

On March 5, we celebrated Malachi's 4th Birthday! It doesn't seem that long ago that he arrived as a healthy bundle in our arms. He has grown up so much this past year with learning to ride his two wheeler without training wheels (he may need a refresher course once it stops snowing and it all melts away!), not sleeping with a soother,he dresses himself when he wants to, he loves to read his Bible especially the part when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he is such a kind big brother to Lydia and he loves to help Lowell and I with whatever we are doing, he just started memorizing Psalm 23 and He even asked Jesus to live in his heart! We love him so much and know that God has amazing things in store for him.
We had our kind neighbors, the Neufeld's over for ice cream cake and to play with his new Thomas The Tank characters, Bill & Ben and Bolstrode. Samuel made him a beautiful dagger and he even got his own armour. Gramma and Grampa Harder gave him a cool sleeping bag which he opened before his birthday and slept in it at night time for two weeks on Elyse and Lydia's floor.
We love you Malachi!
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